Monday, December 31, 2007





Foam / Froth
pao4 mo4
Mnemonic: "foam suds/froth" ... it bears no relation to this text; I just learnt it.

ke4 che1
Mnemonic: "guest car"
... apparently I invented this! ^_^


Dannie Zhuang said...

Hi Jonny! I am one of the ACDMM 42 girls you met on New Year Eve in the eagle pub.
First time in your blog and I am really impressed by your passion in learning Chinese.

From the conversation last night I think you have the talent in language. You brought up the conversation is a very natural way with right tunes, right stops and right transition words. We all enjoyed chatting with you in Chinese and thank you for showing up.

Well, no one can deny that writing is the hardest part. The difficulties your found in writing Chinese can be the same to what I felt in writing English. Really wish I could have the courage to let anyone criticize my English as you did. Maybe I shall try in the New Year.

Anyway, a few small mistakes I would like to point out in your dairy '剑桥4000':
1)“跟我家过圣诞节” 应该说成“跟我家人” 或者“在我家里”。
“跟“这个动词相当于“with“,you can say "with my family" but not "with my home" :)
2)“跟朋友谈MSN“,这里你用对了“跟“,但“谈MSN”这个说法就不对了,可以说“跟朋友在MSN上聊天”= 'chat on MSN'。 “谈”相当于 “talk”, and you don't 'talk MSN' :)

Hope it helps a little :)

Good to know you and hope to learn more about your experience after ACDMM!

Happy New Year!

Dannie Zhuang 庄丹硕
(I am on facebook)

Jonathan Biddle said...

Thanks for the comments - and great to meet! I almost lost my voice this morning, and I have been relaxing all day today.

Any questions on ACDMM do let me know!

Jonathan Biddle said...

。。。可是我不會看簡體! ^_^

桃子小姐 said...

Hello Jonathan,

here are some things you might want to modify:
1. 在國外"得失後" -> 的時候
2. 我怎麼"聯繫"中文-> 練習
3. "臉"我還想要上課 -> 連
4. 如果我會去英國的"化"-> 話
5. 一共每天我學 ->我每天一共學
6. is 客車=bus? in Taiwan, there is no such transportation called '客車'..

而且應該已經說得很好了.加油 :p


p.s. 此'桃子'非彼'陶子' ^__^

Anonymous said...

Hello Jonathan,

Just one more comment:

也許得資格(qualification,資格嗎?)we usually say '取得資格' or '通過資格考'



Anonymous said...


This is Flora(From TAIWAN)!!! You r GREAT!!